Eau De Parfum Spray Masculino - Alyson Oldoini - Chocman Mint - 100 ml
U$ 219,99

Valor aproximado em Reais (boleto): BRL 1142.95

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7 Itens

Pagamento fácil e seguro


Possível imposto Brasileiro não incluso

A rich, enveloping vanilla oriental gourmand built on decadent accords of chocolate and coffee, alyson oldoini chocman mint was first introduced in 2014. The opening is an effusive, sparkling blend of fruity aromatic bergamot, tropical fruit and lavender absolute spiked with piquant, tart-sweet hints of grapefruit and peppery geranium. As the scent settles, a deep, dark chocolate accord develops, merged with coffee, crushed mint leaf and tobacco.
1.000 lbs
7 Itens

Ficha técnica

Eau De Parfum Spray
Alyson Oldoini
3.3 oz / 100 ml