Eau De Parfum Spray (Unisex) Feminino - Al Haramain - Al Haramain Amber Oud - 60 ml
U$ 39,96

Valor aproximado em Reais (boleto): BRL 207.02

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500 Itens

Pagamento fácil e seguro


Possível imposto Brasileiro não incluso

First released in 2018, al harmain amber oud is a mesmerizing oriental woody fragrance that layers rich herbal aromatics over a warm and soothing base of precious woods, spice and musk. The scent opens with an energizing blend of camphor and citrus, mingling rosemary and cedar wood with sparkling lemon and fruity-aromatic bergamot. Spicy guaiac wood and warm hints of nutmeg and incense develop at the heart, followed by a soothing, sensual finish of tawny amber, balsam and earthy musk.
1.000 lbs
500 Itens

Ficha técnica

Al Haramain
2 oz / 60 ml
Eau De Parfum Spray (Unisex)