Eau De Parfum Spray Feminino - Dolce & Gabbana - The One - 75 ml
U$ 60,91

Valor aproximado em Reais (boleto): BRL 315.25

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O prazo para recebermos e enviarmos o item é de aproximadamente 10 dias.

500 Itens

Pagamento fácil e seguro


Possível imposto Brasileiro não incluso

Created in 2006 by domenico dolce and stefano gabbana. The designers, who have been creating perfumes for men and women since 1992, concocted the modern ‘floriental’ perfume with the phrase in mind that “every woman is the one!” the bottle cradling the rich scent was designed to celebrate classic elements of traditions in perfumery while emanating a modern and luxurious style.
1.000 lbs
500 Itens

Ficha técnica

Eau De Parfum Spray
Dolce & Gabbana
2.5 oz / 75 ml