Extrait De Parfum Spray (Unisex) Feminino - Tiziana Terenzi - Kirke - 100 ml
U$ 144,99

Valor aproximado em Reais (boleto): BRL 749.1

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99 Itens

Pagamento fácil e seguro


Possível imposto Brasileiro não incluso

First launched by tiziana terenzi in 2015, kirke is an effusive fruity chypre fragrance that layers bright tropical notes over shimmering florals and sensual musk. The opening is a sweet paradise cocktail of peach, passionfruit, pear and raspberry laced with fresh, tangy nuances of black currant. A warm sand accord develops at the heart, beautifully harmonized with lily-of the-valley and the almond and vanilla facets of heliotrope.
1.000 lbs
99 Itens

Ficha técnica

Extrait De Parfum Spray (Unisex)
Tiziana Terenzi
3.38 oz / 100 ml