Eau De Parfum Spray (Unisex) Feminino - Elizabeth And James - Nirvana Amethyst - 50 ml
U$ 31,99

Valor aproximado em Reais (boleto): BRL 166.86

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15 Itens

Pagamento fácil e seguro


Possível imposto Brasileiro não incluso

A captivating and bewitching fragrance, nirvana amethyst boasts the seductive fragrance notes honeysuckle, tobacco and cedar. The contradicting scent notes of honeysuckle and tobacco fuse together to form an enticing fragrance sure to turn heads. This bold and spicy fragrance, first released in 2017, is contained in a sleek purple and gold textured glass bottle.
1.000 lbs
15 Itens

Ficha técnica

Elizabeth And James
1.7 oz / 50 ml
Eau De Parfum Spray (Unisex)